Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Everybody gets a humpback whale!"

I'm back from a good visit back east with the family. It was great to catch up with my mom and sister. I even had a chance to spend some time with my cute little three year old niece. She is a funny little one! Her favorite joke is to channel Dane Cook as Oprah..."Everybody gets a humpback whale!" She thinks she's pretty funny and she's right!

So Keith and I went to see the surgeon today to hear about the results of my MRI. MRI's are more precise than the PET/CT scan I had early in July. The point of this MRI was to check on the cancer in my breast so we can decide whether or not I need surgery. According to the MRI there are still three tiny little spots of cancer (about the size of pinheads) in my right breast. This isn't surprising, but even so it isn't what we wanted to hear. It is still unclear whether or not I will have surgery (and this drives me crazy!!). The surgeon will talk it over with my oncologist and we'll take it from there. There is no definitive evidence that removing the primary tumor is helpful once the cancer has spread and in fact leaving it in makes it easier to monitor how effective treatment is. It would be pretty major surgery to have if it doesn't actually help anything..... such a sticky widget. My prediction is that I won't have the surgery right away and we'll wait six months (when I'll have another MRI) and see where we stand. Hopefully the Herceptin will wipe out all the tiny bits that are still left and if not then maybe I'll push for surgery...

We also discussed the impending need for an oophorectomy (removal of my ovaries and fallopian tubes). The fact that I have a BRCA mutation means that I have a 20% chance of getting ovarian cancer. So sometime in the next year or so I'll get that done. It shouldn't be too bad. It's done laparoscopically and the surgeon says it takes only a couple days to recover. I'm hoping to put it off for a couple months anyway...

The reality is that overall I'm still doing better than expected given my starting point back in February.


  1. Golly, it's tough when decisions aren't neat and clean, isn't it? Unsettling, but logical when you think about it, that the three tiny cancer spots could be useful for monitoring the effectiveness of the herception. Good idea to put the oophorectomy off for just a bit to give yourself time to recover a little-you've been through so much! Enjoy and rest up over these August days before you head back to the classroom. love, Sheila

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the 3 tiny spots that remain..... you must have been so disappointed. I hope that you can put off any surgeries for a while, just to catch your breath and recoup a bit. You've had one hell of a 6 months!

    Your picture of Bridget is adorable!


  3. OK, I'll admit it. I was pretty ticked off at those three little pinheads for hanging around after everything and everyone has let them know they're NOT WANTED!!! I'm thinking they'll soon get the message, as the Herceptin keeps moving in.
    And then I calmed down as I read your level-headed discussion of the coming events. I'm thinking you have control of the situation, Eileen. :) "Sticky widgets" and "impending needs" notwithstanding, I have confidence in a really positive outcome! Things are looking good! So lots of hugs and good thoughts are coming your way as you relax and get ready for more events to come! Take advantage of these summer vacation days to rest, relieve stress, have fun! Thinking of you with great love and best wishes, P &A

  4. I am so sorry to hear your latest news! How extremely worrisome and disappointing, to say the least! Just when you thought you could take a proverbial breath and get a bit of normalcy back in your life. Wow, very tough. I hope that you get some clarity next week.

    Despite this bad news, I hope that you are able to keep yourself busy doing some fun and relaxing things. Be good to yourself!

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  5. Dear Eileen,
    Sorry I missed that walk with you and your Mom and that your MRI brought you more concern. Keep your positive thoughts and know that so much love and so many prayers continue to be with you. A good outcome will follow. Love to you. Claudia
