Monday, May 3, 2010

Scan Day...

Went in at 7:30, drank about a liter of mocha flavored barium sulfate drink (I still like the plain better, but mocha is definitely better than banana, yuck!), waited an hour and 45 minutes, got stuck on the first try (yippee!), was injected with radioactive iodine (note: if you ever get this done- the iodine will make you feel like you have peed on yourself, you haven't...thankfully the radiologist that did my first CT scan warned me) and five minutes later my CT scan was done. I went home, ate a little breakfast and went on to work. My stomach has that lovely barium gurgle, but otherwise I'm fine. Hopefully the doctor will have results to go over with me tomorrow afternoon, as my next dose of Herceptin drips in.

In other news the insurance company has finally started to pay my oncologist! I knew they would eventually, but it certainly took a while.


  1. So glad your scan was relatively uneventful (just time consuming...) and that some of your insurance troubles have been straightened out.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for good results.....

  2. Eileen,
    Here's hoping you get good news from the doc today, and that you have time to do some yoga as well to chill out.

  3. Yikes! What a way to start the morning! And, thanks for the heads-up re: radioactive iodine. Will file under 'Very important notes-to-self!'

    Yes, here's hoping for excellent news from the scan. Keep those posts a coming (meant in a supportive non-demanding sort of way (smile))!!

    Love, Jane
