Thursday, February 17, 2011

Second Opinion

Keith and I headed to UCSF Thursday for a second opinion. The doctor we saw specializes in HER2+ breast cancer. We arrived early (traffic was good) and she was running late, so we waited around for quite a while. When she finally came in she took her time with us. She was really quite positive about my prognosis. I believe her words were "not curable, but highly treatable". Apparently my flavor of cancer (HER2+) is generally very receptive to chemo and my particular cancer certainly seems to follow that trend.

She thinks my current regime is good and she agreed that it seems to be working (I'll spare you the photographic evidence). So I'll continue along with treatments and get a scan after 5 or 6 rounds. I never completely recovered from last year's chemo, so there's concern that I won't be able to complete all 6. Regardless, if things look good, then she'd advocate that I consider surgery and radiation to get rid of whatever is left.

It feels good to have another doctor evaluating my case and I'm looking forward to being able to run things by her when I come to the forks in the road.

Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good, some gullet issues are still hanging around, but I think I'm turning the corner. Right now, I'm enjoying a rare Sunday night without work tomorrow!


  1. Good to hear that the UCSF 2nd opinion doc had pretty positive news for you. That long wait for your appointment must have been horribly nerve-wracking. It's great that you have someone who's such a specific expert in your type of cancer to consult with! I'd imagine that if I were in your situation I'd be keen on the idea of surgery...sort of a cut-the-bad-spot-out frame of mind. Sending our wishes and prayers that those chemo chemicals are killing cancer cells, but aren't too tough on the rest of you. Thinking of you and Keith, S,L & N

  2. I'm so glad you got a second opinion that it seems your treatment is on track. My love to you and Keith. ann

  3. Eileen,
    That sounds like a really good report from the UCSF doctor, and yes it is always good to have another doc to run things by - two heads are always better than one. It also gives you some additional confidence that your on the right track. Here's hoping that you can hang in through a few more rounds of chemo without too many annoying side-effects.
    Glad to hear you had a Sunday night with no school in the morning. Madison City schools have had many days off with our new governor and his agenda, but I would not wish that on CA. all our love and good wishes, Ellen

  4. Thanks for another report. Glad to hear that you had a satisfying chat with the UCSF oncologist. Yes, it’s always nice to have another person to turn to for advice. Cannot have too many resources!

    I hope the old gullet (and all other body parts!!) is/are feeling ok as you come up on another round of chemo.

    Love, Jane
