Monday, July 11, 2011

Look Ma No Hat!

My hair is not long enough and thick enough for me to go hatless. It isn't super thick, but passable and I'm pretty tired of wearing hats at this point.

I'm hoping that the mousey gray color will be replaced with my normal dark brown (with a bit of gray) in a couple months. That's what happened last time anyway.

So far this round of Tykerb has been a little bit easier than the last one (knocking on wood as I type!). Not only have I gotten dressed everyday, but I've even made it out of the house everyday! I've actually been taking fewer anti-nausea meds this time around. I'm not sure how much they do for the nausea and they make me really tired.

Keith got a nice treat today; his mom called and talked to him briefly! They replaced her trach with a metal one that allows her talk a little bit. Her voice was a little weak but he was psyched to hear her after so long. Crossing our fingers that she continues to improve.


  1. A totally stylish pixie look - you're looking cute as a button (where does that expression come from?). I bet hatless feels really good on hot days! So glad that this round of Tykerb was a little better, but sure would like it to be a lot better. Wonderful treat for Keith and richly deserved after all this time - it must have been so frustrating for his mom (and everyone) that she couldn't talk. We're rooting for her continued improvement! Hoping these last 2 days of Tykerb aren't too awful and that you feel really good by Thurs, love, Sheila

  2. Awesome picture and fabulous to see you with a huge smile. I am so glad things are going better this week. Super glad that Keith got to speak to his mom. Give him a big hug for us.

  3. Yes, excellent picture; you look great! OK, I guess it’s Diesel’s turn to be featured, next (ha ha!)

    Thanks for another report. I will knock on wood for you! Glad to hear that things are a bit better this round. It’s funny that there is variability from round to round.

    And, that’s great news regarding Keith’s mom. I can imagine, just hearing her voice must have been a tremendous treat and a very encouraging sign. Hope the good news continues!

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  4. Eileen, You are looking good to me! Glad this round was not as awful. Love to you. Hang in there and good luck on the 20th. We are all praying and pulling for you, strong lady! Love, Claudia

  5. Thanks for the report with encouraging news on both you and Keith's mom. Here's hoping the news just keeps getting better and better!!!

  6. Fetching photo and great news all around! You're looking fabulous! So glad that this round is going a bit better - maybe the body learns how to cope. Hope your scans as a good looking and knock the socks off the docs. You and Keith deserve a home-run. So glad to hear that Keith's mom is improving - being able to talk has to be a Huge step. all our love,

  7. Happy summer smile! May improvements continue to come for you and Keith's mother. love Robyn

  8. Hey All
    Great to see you last night! (Even if only briefly in the background ;-) Eileen ~ Looking great there - love the photo! Woa! Diggin' your truck. It makes the 'roller skate' that I just bought look a bit ridiculous! ;-) I think it might even fit in that flat bed of yours. Red's looking like the king in the back there. Best wishes for this ahead week. Thinking of you guys. Take care.
