Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nothing but Good News!

Whew. We went to see my oncologist at UCSF today to get the results of all my scans from yesterday and to talk about how things are going. My scans all look good (unremarkable is great!). Still no cancer anywhere except the breast and the lump that used to have a volume of 1.7 cubic centimeters now has a volume of .12 cubic centimeters!! This shit is working! We talked a little about what comes next and at least for now I'm going to stay on the trial for 2 more rounds (a month or so). After that I've got to decide if I can work while taking this crap or not. Hopefully these next two rounds go as easily as the last one. If they don't, then we'll figure it out. My doctor thinks the logical thing to do after the trial is surgery to remove whatever remnants are left. After that it is back on Herceptin with vigilant monitoring. My birthday is coming up and this is a really nice early present!


  1. Great news! Prayers and love . Robyn

  2. EXCELLENT news!!!! Hoooray! Thanks for the report. Let’s hear it for being unremarkable!! What an expression! You are anything but unremarkable at least in my book! Keep on keeping on, in grueling circumstances.

    I hope that you and Keith are able to do some serious celebrating this weekend!

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  3. FABULOUS!! Hooray and congratulations to a most remarkable woman with unremarkable innards, and her trusty human, canine & feline sidekicks. Good for Tykerb doing such a good job, although awfully rough on the body while it's killing off those cancer cells. Here's hoping that you and the docs have figured out how to make those 5 day sessions not too awful. Very happy birthday - celebrate! I hope Keith's mom enjoys a remarkable improvement, too. love, Sheila, Larry & Nona

  4. What FANTASTIC news! It's pay-off time for all those horrible days on Tykerb. You and your support team deserve a superb B-day celebration. Hope you have a window before the next 5 day session begins. Congratulations to a most Remarkable woman!!!! love, Ellen

  5. Dear Eileen and Keith,
    This is just wonderful news!!!!!! You must be so relieved..... I know I am. Enjoy the upcoming week and Happy Birthday!

  6. Absolutely fantastic news! Well done Eileen! And Happy Birthday to you too. How superbly wonderful.
    Best wishes

  7. Awesome news. I am so happy for you. Have a terrific weekend and birthday. the Chamberlain Carr clan will have to get to you this next week and give some big time hugs. Keith can come too!!!

  8. So happy for you. :) ^-^

  9. Have a Happy Birthday this week Eileen, hopefully you and Keith can do something crazy. Somehow thinking back to simplier times and enjoy the moments.

  10. Eileen,
    God Bless. He does hear! You must be so relieved. Love, Claudia

  11. Hope your Birthday was a good one! Thoughts are with you.

  12. So happy about this news... Happy Bday!!!
