Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not Quite Done...

I was all set to finish up on Friday, but no such luck. The office was closed on Friday in observance of Veterans Day. I was disappointed, but what are you going to do? It just means I have to go back tomorrow for one more zap. I can't wait to finish up this stage and move on to whatever is next. I've got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning and we'll talk about what comes next. I'm suspecting that I'll go back on Tykerb (at the normal dose so fewer side effects) for a bit and then maybe another trial. We'll see.

The brain radiation hasn't been too bad. I have a couple sore spots on my head and I get a low grade feeling of ick after radiation but other than that I'm hanging in pretty well. I'm falling asleep a bit early (even for me), but at least some of that is probably due to the time change (or at least that's my excuse). Thankfully I haven't yet experienced the significant fatigue that I was warned about. The doctor says it could still crop up, but it is a good sign that I haven't had any issues so far.

One day last week I rolled up to the emergency room parking lot (yes, I get to park for free in the ER lot - a perk of having daily raditation treatments!) and I felt like I was entering a movie set. They were having some kind of drill (I suspect it had to do with something radioactive because there were geiger counters around). I couldn't resist taking a couple of pictures before I descended into the dungeon that is the radiation oncology department. I just can't decide which is creepier- the people in the suits or the duck-tape dummy...


  1. Thanks for the update. I am sorry to hear that you were not able to wrap up the radiation regime on Friday. Yes, it makes sense that it was a disappointment! Glad to hear that the side effects have not been worse, but a feeling of ick is bad enough! Here’s hoping that residual nasty effects do not crop up.

    Thanks for the photos- yes, it is a toss-up on the weirdness front.

    Take good care.
    Love, Jane

  2. Eileen- I will be thinking of you today as you wrap up your radiation treatment; I'm sure you will be really relieved to have it done! Hope all goes well on Tuesday at your doc's appt.
    Take care of yourself. Love, ann
