Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rainy Red

It has been really wet here this week. I am officially tired of the rain! Red and I didn't get out to do as much walking as usual, but when we did he wore his raincoat. Lest you think we've lost our minds...a wet dog means a wet dog bed (even if I towel him off his bed gets damp) and a wet dog bed eventually turns into a mildewy dog bed. Ick! Not what is needed here, so Red wears a raincoat (and I think he looks jaunty)!


  1. I will take your "jaunty" and raise it to debonair!! Seriously, a down-right handsome pouch! And, color-coordinated with the house. Excellent! Martha would be proud.

    I hope that you get a break in the rain very soon, so that you and Red can have a nice, lon, and enjoyable walk.

    Hope you have an easy week.

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  2. Thanks for the great photo! LOVE the raincoat, but where's the strap-on umbrella hat to go with? I remember seeing vendors in NYC wearing them as recently as the 1970s... But more important, how are you? How's the fatigue level after 4 rounds of chemo under your belt (down the port)? Hope things aren't too chaotic for you back in the classroom on Mon. thinking of you always, Sheila

  3. Red look fabulous in his raincoat, and even more importantly he looks like a really nice dog! Hope things are going smoothly for you all this week.
