Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can't Biopsy it if They Can't Find it!

So, I made it to work yesterday and then hustled off after my last class to have an ultrasound guided biopsy, a blood draw and a CT Scan. All these things were for the trial (all participants have them done on the same day of the same cycle). They don't do much for me, but they're important in the big scheme of things.

The department in charge of mammograms, ultrasounds and breast biopsies at UCSF is always a cluster fuck. I dont' know why I was surprised to wait almost two hours before the ultrasound was started. After a LOT of ultrasounding (not at all painful for those who haven't had any experience) it was declared that they couldn't find anything in the region they identified in November. They managed to find one tiny spot in the original area and took a core biopsy of that area. This biopsy experience wasn't anywhere near as traumatizing as the one I had the first time. More evidence that getting yourself to a big teaching hospital is a good thing.

So, that's the big news, they can't see much of anything on the ultrasound!! That and the fact that I've made it through this most recent round without any big incidents. I've made a decision that I just can't work on days 2 & 5 of treatment (which happens to be Friday and Monday). I just get too tired to be of much use at work (plus there is the nausea and vomiting thing - I really don't want to puke in front of one of my classes!).


  1. Holy smokes, that Tykerb and your impressively responsive body made fast work of that tumor! Did you break some kind of land-speed record? So what does this mean in terms of next steps? Your afternoon "entertainment" at the ultrasound shop didn't sound like a lot of fun, but I hope you felt pretty darn pleased as you were heading home. Your decision to not work on days 2 & 5 of treatment sounds like the only sensible route to go. I'm so pleased that you and Keith had some very good results to celebrate. How's his mom? We think of her, too. We're celebrating here with great big grins. love, Sheila & Larry

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  3. Eileen- Congrats on the wonderful ultrasound results!! We were thinking of you during your last Tykerb treatment days, hoping that things were going reasonably well. Good decision to take days 2 and 5 off...... take good care of yourself!
    Love, ann

  4. Eileen,

    So glad to hear your good news that they couldn't find anything to biopsy in the area that they'd identified in November! You and tykerb are doing a great job! Taking days 2 and 5 of your Tykerb cycle off sounds good; I'm amazed that you can work as much as you do.
