Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Warning, this is a post full of complaining:

So the waiting continues. I'm getting a little calmer - I mean, if things were really bad they'd figure out how to get me in faster, right? I did get a call from the receptionist for my radiation oncologist (after I emailed and left her a voicemail). I'm scheduled for my "consultation" on Friday afternoon (if you were just going to schedule me for this anyway, couldn't I have gotten this call Friday?). Now you all don't know this, but I was supposed to fly back East to celebrate my mom's 70th birthday on Friday night. So I tried to wiggle out of the Friday appointment- could they see me any other time? The response was that the doctor only sees patients on Monday and Friday and since she's all booked on Monday I'd have to wait until the following Friday. Urgh, I don't want to wait another whole week. The thing that irritates me the most about this is that I know how it's going to go. I'm going to spend 45 minutes waiting for her, we're going to talk through the proposed treatment option/s and that's it (all things that we could do over the phone). Maybe I'm wrong, maybe there will be some neurological evaluation...

In a last ditch effort to get someplace, I sent my radiation oncologist another email. I told her the story about the trip back East and asked if there was some other way to do the consultation. I feel like I'm being a big pain in the arse, but if she'd just called me after the first email (last Thursday) we wouldn't need to do this at all. I haven't heard back from her anyway.

OK, enough bitching. Despite all this crap I'm feeling pretty good. Yes, I have headaches, some of which are probably the result of tumors, some are probably the result of stress. Either way, a couple of Advil keep them at bay (as does a good soak in the bathtub). I am headed out to walk the dog on this beautiful February day (we need rain, but I can't help but enjoy this warm sunny weather!).


  1. Seems like a pretty restrained rant to me. With all the worry and discomfort you're dealing with, plus having the birthday party you'd planned ruined..... I'd say shout and howl at the moon! Glad you've got a beautiful day for a walk with Red. We'll be raising a glass in toast to you and your mom (and Keith!), and passing around the hors d'oeuvres (peanuts?) at 6:30 EST on Fri evening thinking of the birthday party. love, S, L & N

  2. Yes, I am definitely in agreement with Sheila!! Much too tame a rant; this is rant-light! Seriously, this is all so frustrating. I hope that for all of your efforts, the waiting, etc, that you have a satisfying consultation of Friday.
    Here’s hoping for some good news on Friday. I will be raising a glass, as well.

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  3. Dear Eileen, I am so sorry for all of your frustrations. It would have been a wonderful party, but I think you made the right decision. We all (and most especially your mom) want you to take the very best care of yourself. And now you and your mom can party on the west coast instead of the east. Enjoy her visit!
    My love to you and Keith,
