Monday, January 24, 2011

Back to Work

I slept terribly last night. Maybe I was keyed up about going back to work, maybe it was the annoyingly fast heart rate that has returned like clockwork (at least I know not to worry about it this time). Who knows. I went off to work expecting to feel pretty tired, but miraculously I didn't. I felt great.... well, I felt good. I would have felt great if my throat wasn't sore and if I didn't get a nasty case of heart burn after my yummy lunch of lentil soup (should've been safe, right?!).

I managed to teach two periods, answer questions during the extra help period and come home and take Red for a 2 mile stroll. I set no speed records, but we were moving!


  1. Eileen,
    From Fatigue to Sleepless in Oakland - not a good start of the week. Amazing that you pulled off a full day of work despite the bad night, the sore throat, and heart burn. Congrats on your walk with Red - no need to break the speed records. You deserve an A+ for today. Hope tonight you have a more restful sleep and can sail through the rest of the week proctoring exams dozing off in the back.
    Lots of love and we're rooting for you & those powerful chemical, Ellen

  2. You're a serious trooper! Teaching is exhausting under the best of circumstances! Glad the day went okay. :)

  3. Sounds like you've got a secret stash of steroids! Making it through your work day without sleep, dealing with a racing heartbeat, sore throat and hearburn..... and top of that you let Red take you out for a two mile walk! As your grandmother would say -"take 'er easy" and get rid of that sore throat (the beginning of a cold? fallout from chemo?). love, Sheila

  4. Yeah.... one day down! Hope the rest of the week goes well. Do take care of yourself!

  5. I am sorry to hear that you did not have a great night's sleep. Human adrenaline along with some chemo drugs is a powerful combo. Hope you are having better nights' sleep so you don't have to rely on that wicked combo.

    Glad to hear that you and Red are keeping the pavement hot!

    Take care.

    Love, Jane

  6. Eileen, You are amazing. I have a cold and I am not walking! Good for you. Keep those fluids moving and the muscles too. Enjoy the weekend rest. Praying for you and your wonderful husband every day. Love Claudia (Mom's friend)
