Friday, January 14, 2011

clearing my lungs

I finally got in to see the pulmonologist yesterday morning. The doctor was great but I was worried given how lame the office staff was! She took her time, asked a lot of questions, and says it doesn't look like cancer to her at all. Huge sigh of relief!!

Her take is that I had an infection. My lungs sound clear right now, so she's optimistic that I'm on the mend. Just to be sure, I'll have a CT scan next month to check on things. If something still shows up, she'll do a bronchoscopy to get a sample of whatever nastiness is in there.

My records have made it to UCSF, so things are moving along on that front too.

Chemo starts on Tuesday afternoon. I'm a little worried, but mostly I'm anxious to get started and see if the magic cocktail will work again (all fingers and toes are crossed)!


  1. Wonderful news on the lungs!! What a relief, indeed. Glad the plumonologist was on the ball - despite her ditsy staff.
    Yes, you must be a bit nervous beginning chemo this week. Here's hoping that it works and works fast so that you can relax a bit knowing those chemicals are doing the job.
    lots of love,
    the Madison gang

  2. We're sooooo glad to hear your positive news from the pulmonologist. Good to have that worry off the list as you start the chemo again. Glad that things are moving along on the UCSF front. We'll be thinking of you on Tues, hoping all goes smoothly, all toes & fingers crossed. S,L & N

  3. Great news! YEAH!!!!!!
    We'll be sending good vibes and excellent karma your way on Tuesday......
    Enjoy your mom's visit.

  4. That’s great that you got some good news from the pulmonologist! What a relief! And, I am glad to hear that things are moving along towards getting a second opinion.

    Well, of course you should be worried! Who wouldn’t be?! But seriously, I hope that all goes as well as can be expected, and that the cocktail does its thing, and quickly!

    Wishing you all the best on Tuesday!

    Love, Jane

  5. Hi there, I never miss a post or a day without praying. Hang in there, my dear. I know your Mom is just where she wants to be. All our thoughts and prayers are pulling for you, strong lady. Love, Claudia
