Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hanging In

I am happy to report that things have gone well so far today. I had a bout of nausea mid morning, but otherwise things have been good. I haven't been terribly productive and I'm ok with that. I did a couple of errands, took Red for a short walk and napped. That is pretty much the extent of it.

I'm holding out hope that I'm going to work tomorrow morning. If I feel as good tomorrow morning as I did this morning, it won't be a problem at all.

Keith is on his way home after ten days in Duluth. I am pretty darn excited to have him back home!


  1. So glad that the weekend wasn't awful!! I hope that when you wake up this morning (Mon) you'll be feeling not too bad, suffering no nausea, and maybe even feel strong enough to teach. And, that the last days of treatment continue to be not too debilitating. It must be tough to be away from the classroom as the school year comes to a close. Hope Keith's trip home was smooth and quick. I'm sure you were glad to see him! love, Sheila

  2. Great to hear that this second round is going much better than the first! Hope you continue to feel ok. Love to you and Keith, ann

  3. Hooray!! This is great news on Day 2!! I hope that Day 3 has been equally good.

    Indeed, you must be so happy to have Keith back home! I hope that his mom is doing well.

    Also, I hope that things are winding down nicely at school and you are able to enjoy a nice end-of-school-year feeling rather than a queezy-nauseous feeling!

    Love, Jane
